位置:首页画家马科斯菲尔德·帕里斯>Two Pastry Cooks Blue Hose and Yellow Hose

Two Pastry Cooks Blue Hose and Yellow Hose

Two Pastry Cooks Blue Hose and Yellow Hose

画家: 马科斯菲尔德·帕里斯 Maxfield Parrish [画家简介]

国家: 美国画家 1870-1966

名称: Two Pastry Cooks Blue Hose and Yellow Hose

信息: 44823-Parrish, Maxfield-Two_Pastry_Cooks_Blue_Hose_and_Yellow_Hose.jpg

像素: 666 x 900 px

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马科斯菲尔德帕里斯的作品: Two Pastry Cooks Blue Hose and Yellow Hose

Maxfield Parrish oil painting: Two Pastry Cooks Blue Hose and Yellow Hose

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